People of colour face many challenges including racism, systemic exclusion, microaggressions and stereotypes. With that in mind, how can you be an effective ally?

1. Education, Education, Education
Things that are happening to POC change frequently (e.g. Black Lives Matter, xenophobia towards Asians, MMIWG Movement). Keep up as to what is going on by doing your OWN research!
2. Don’t practice “performative allyship”
Australian journalist Monisha Rudhran defines performative allyship as “the practice of words, posts and gestures that do more to promote an individual’s own virtuous moral compass than actually helping the causes that they’re intending to showcase.” Example: Supporting racial equity but lacking diversity in leadership.
3. Speak up in your own social circles and get uncomfortable
This is the best way to call people out for being racist and using privilege to voices that don’t have privilege.
4. Continuously evaluate your allyship
Allyship is not just a one-time checklist. Always evaluate where you stand in your allyship and be open to criticism.
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