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Black in Academia Discord Discussions

Originally posted on PhD Balance social media platforms on 02/11/2021.

Promotional Graphic - Text reads Discord #PhDStrongerTogether Live discussions Thursdays at 12pm ET. Let's talk about black history month.... Module 1 Black in Academia Feb 11th 2021, Module 2 Black Mental Health, Feb 18th 2021, Module 3 How to be an effective ally, Feb 25th 2021 and Module 4, URM resources & fellowship opportunities, Mar 4th 2021.

Join us for Black History Month on the PhD Stronger Together Discord server!

We will be talking about Black in academia, Black mental health, how to be an effective ally to the Black and other underrepresented communities, and resources for Black and other underrepresented students.

We will "meet" weekly on Thursdays at 12 pm ET for live discussions!

Module 1 - Black in Academia on February 11th

What comes to mind when you think of barriers to academic success for members of the Black community?

Module 2 - Black Mental Health on February 18th

Did you know that only one in three Black adults in the U.S. who need mental health care actually receive it?

Module 3 - How to Be An Effective Ally on February 25th

What does allyship mean to you? What are some barriers that may get in the way of being an effective ally? Have you or anyone you know successfully called out racism or microaggressions in the workplace -- was there any approach that worked particularly well? What books, podcasts, and films have you encountered to educate yourself on allyship?

Module 4 - URM Resources and Fellowship Opportunities on March 4th

Among the different funding sources for research, some have been set particularly aside to help promote diversity and inclusion in science. However, these opportunities are not always easy to come across.


Join us on our PhD Stronger Together Discord server (click here) on Thursdays the 11th, 18th, 25 of February and 4th of March at 12 pm ET for live module discussions on our Black in Academia Stronger Together Modules!


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