PhD Balance is looking for new volunteers to join our global team!
We are a collaborative community that seeks to empower grad students.
Although you may not see all our amazing volunteers, it takes many people to create all our content & resources and keep us running!
Why volunteer?
- Learn new skills while advocating for mental health
- Help us create community for grad students!
- Make new friends from around the globe!
You don't have to be in grad school currently - can be a prospective or past grad student!
Our teams
Content & editing
Stronger together
Social media
Grad Chat
IDEALs (inclusivity, diversity, equity, accessibility and leadership)
What’s the time commitment?
4-6 hours a week
Do we have many team meetings?
1 hour every 2 weeks.
What if I need to take a break or if grad school gets too busy?
No problem, you and your mental health come first! Just let us know.
Interested or have questions? Fill out our contact form or email us at