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Does Empathy Matter in Academia?

Originally posted on PhD Balance social media platforms on 03/18/2020.

Is there any empathy in the world of academia? Should there be?

Graphic promoting the chat, text reads Does Empathy Matter in Academia, Live chat with our team! March 18 at 2pm EDT (6pm GMT). There is headshots of Susanna L Harris and Liesl Krause.

On March 19th at 2 pm EDT (6 pm GMT) our founder, Susanna L Harris (@SusannaLHarris) will be talking with our Twitter manager Liesl Krause (@sourkrause94) about how empathy is tied to mental health, mentoring abilities, and progress – both in academia and beyond.

Find the link (and set a reminder!) by checking our stories. Or, you can search and subscribe for notifications.

The chat will be live, so you can ask questions – feel free to drop your questions in the comments, below! The video will be posted following the chat.

Liesl Krause is a PhD student at Purdue Polytechnic, where she compares biologic measures of empathy in a paired situation as compared to self-reported empathy in the Empathy Quotient.

Susanna L Harris is a PhD Candidate in Microbiology at UNC-Chapel Hill. She is a trained science communicator and mental health advocate.

Note: No part of these videos should be considered medical advice.


Check out the video of the Live Chat here!


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