Originally posted as part of our PhD Stronger Together Module - Mental Health Conditions (December 2020).
This month's Stronger Together content is focused on Common Mental Health Conditions! Today we are talking about Eating Disorders (ED):
EDs are defined as dysfunctional relationships with eating/food & sometimes exercise.
It’s important to note that EDs are typically not about the food - they are instead linked to underlying and mental conditions.
There are several types of EDs, including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, ARFID, and orthorexia nervosa.
Signs and Symptoms
Behavioral: food restriction, binges, purging behaviors, food rituals
Emotional: extreme mood swings, uncomfortable around others, concern with body size/shape, preoccupations with weight/food/calories
Physical: weight fluctuations, GI complaints, menstrual irregularities, poor sleep, feeling cold, weakness, poor wound healing/immunity
Stats, Demographics and Disparities
The highest mortality rate of any mental illness
Anorexia nervosa is the 3rd most common chronic illness among adolescents
Alcohol & substance abuse are 4x higher among people with EDs
More than ½ of LBGTQ+ youth are diagnosed with an ED
BIPOC with EDs are ½ as likely to be diagnosed/receive treatment than white people
Treatment and Care
Prescription medication (for co-presenting conditions)
Nutrition counseling/weight restoration monitoring
Inpatient and/or outpatient care
General Resources:
National Eating Disorders Association (U.S.)
National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (U.S.)
Intuitive Eating (IE)
Health at Every Size (HAES)
Recovery Record
Rise Up
*The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician, therapist or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.