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Meet the team: Aidan

Welcome back to our "Who keeps PhD Balance running?" series! We're going to be introducing our team over the next few weeks, so keep an eye out! 👀

Meet the team light green graphic, There is a photo of Aidan Text reads Aidan Mowat (she/her) Digital Media coordinator, teams social media (lead), speaking team. Twitter handle Aidan_Mowat. Theres also a map of the world with a red pin pointing to Saskatchewan, Canada.

Next up is Aidan Mowat, Digital Media Coordinator!

Aidan Mowat (she/her) is working on her PhD in Geological Sciences at the University of Saskatchewan (Canada). When she's not doing her studies, you can find her doing puzzles, knitting, re-watching Gilmore Girls, and cuddling her partner in crime (her dog, Inoka)!

What does she do for PhD Balance?

Aidan is our Digital Media Coordinator, she leads our social media team! She is also part of our speaking team and a host of Grad Chat!

Why did she join PhD Balance?

I have discovered the importance of having a community during my academic journey, so giving back to the community that helped me feels like an important next step while I navigate the final years of grad studies!

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