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Meet the team: Ignacio

Welcome back to our "Who keeps PhD Balance running?" series! We're going to be introducing our team over the next few weeks, so keep an eye out! 👀

Meet the team light yellow graphic, There is a photo of Ignacio. Text reads Ignacio García-Perrote Martínez (he/him), team content and editing, twitter handle IgnacioGPM. Theres also a map of the world with a red pin pointing to Barcelona, Spain.

Next up is Ignacio García-Perrote Martínez, one of our editors!

Ignacio (he/him) is a Barcelonan who loves reading, writing and Ireland. In summer 2021, Ignacio finished a PhD in Law.

When he is not indoors, you will likely find Ignacio hiking or walking around to discover the secrets hidden wherever he is. For PhD Balance, Ignacio is one of our editors!

What does he do for PhD Balance?

Ignacio is one of our editors! He works with our storytellers to ensure their story gets across in the way they want, in a way they are comfortable with!

Why did he join PhD Balance?

Ignacio joined PhD Balance to engage in promoting awareness of mental health issues.


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