Originally posted on PhD Balance social media platforms on 06/16/2020.

On Wednesday 6/17 your favorite Black Women academia accounts will take over larger academic platforms.
The founders of the @sharethemicnow campaign urged Black Women to adopt this campaign in their respective industries so we can KEEP SHARING THE MIC.
We are SO excited to reveal who we are collabing with for SHARE THE MIC NOW!
We will partner with Allante (@blkingradschool) to amplify Black Women’s voices and provide a space for Black Women to share their voices from their own perspectives! This campaign seeks to elevate Black Women and their work in broader spaces! The founders of the @sharethemicnow campaign urged Black Women to adopt this campaign in their respective industries so we can KEEP SHARING THE MIC.
We’re choosing to not drop the mic in academia!
And be sure to follow along with the other participants ALL DAY on Wed 6/17 as Black Women speak from these Instagram pages:
@thekatieduke + @BLACKWOMENPHDS
@notsoivorytower + @CONSTANCE.ILOH
@diversityinacademia + @TEAMKORIE
@thedissertationcoach + @DENASIMMONS
@academeology + @CITEASISTA
@scholarculture + @INDIRATURNEY
@stemcorps + @DOCSHORTCUT