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Starting Grad School after a Short Break from Higher Education

Meet this week's Grad Chat guest, Silvina "Silvi" Di Pietro, PhD (she/her):

Promotional Graphic, text reads Starting Grad School after a short break from higher education, Grad Chat by PhD Balance. There are two headshots one of Linda, the host & one of Silvi, the guest.

Hello fellow scientists! My name is Silvi and I am extremely honored and excited to be speaking with you (tomorrow)! I am hopeful you will bring lots of questions and feel energized as we talk about taking a break from higher education.


Silvina “Silvi” Di Pietro graduated from Florida International University (FIU) in March of 2021 with a PhD in environmental chemistry. During her graduate studies, Silvi was a Department of Energy (DOE) Fellow. At FIU, she developed ammonia gas injection for uranium (U) remediation at the DOE Hanford Site in Washington State. The injection technique has the potential to treat and sequester U, the major contaminant of concern released at the Hanford Site. Thanks to the DOE Fellowship, she interned at DOE’s national laboratories: twice (summer of 2016 and 2018) at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and in summer of 2019 at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). Currently, she is a postdoctoral graduate fellow within the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA).

Silvi received the 2018 Innovatorsin Nuclear Technology R&D awarded by the DOE Office of Nuclear Energy and 2016 Roy G. Post Foundation Graduate Scholarship awarded by the Waste Management Symposia. Most recently, she was selected as the 2021-2023 U.S. Delegate the International Younger Chemists Network (IYCN) by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). Silvi’s professional interests include water chemistry, geochemistry, characterization techniques, and remediation of contaminated areas as well as equity and inclusion in the sciences and science communication. Silvi's hobbies include acrylic painting, traveling, dancing, going to art museums, playing tennis and watching soccer matches.


You can find out more about Silvi on her Instagram (@silvidipietro), LinkedIn and Research Gate!

Silvi will be taking over our Instagram account today, before being our Grad Chat guest tomorrow with host Linda! You can join the Youtube Livestream Saturday (08/28) at 3 pm Eastern/12 pm Pacific using this link!

Alternatively, you'll be able to catch up on the episode on Grad Chat, The Podcast published next Tuesday (08/31) here!


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