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Working & Going to School Full Time

What’s it like going to school full-time and working full-time? Ask this week’s guest, Mikel!

Dark green graphic. Text reads Grad Chat by PhD Balance. New Episode Working & Going to School Full Time with special guest Mikel Joachim. Host Aidan. There are also a headshot of Mikel and a small headshot of Aidan on the graphic

Mikel Joachim is a research program manager with Badger Athletic Performance and a full-time PhD student in Clinical Investigation, both at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research broadly focuses on injury prevention and recovery in athletes, with specific expertise in biomechanics and injuries in distance runners.

She currently holds a master’s degree in kinesiology and anticipates defending her PhD dissertation in December of 2022. You can find her on Twitter @MikelJoachim.


The episode is now available on the PhD Balance YouTube and on all major streaming platforms including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Overcast & Google Podcasts (And more!) Just search "Grad Chat" on your favourite podcast streaming app!

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