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Welcome to the Stronger Together (#PhDStrongerTogether) series, a monthly peer support group for students to explore mental health-related topics. 


Each month has a different focus that will be explored through journaling prompts, multimedia resources and group discussions. 


Together, we'll cover topics related to mental illnesses, career and professional development, intersectionality in mental health, and academic stressors. 



Each month's topic will be divided into four weekly modules that you'll access through your PhD Balance membership.


You and students across the globe will simultaneously access the first module at the beginning of the month. A new module will unlock each week.

Discuss your progress, frustrations and wins through Discord, a chat-based app geared towards supporting communities. 





Share your progress and connect with others on social media using #PhDStrongerTogether


By the completion of each topic, you will have:


1) A greater understanding of the scientific and/or clinical aspects of the subject

2) Explored your personal relationship to the topic

3) Identified resources and strategies for support

4) Connected with peers to create a community and sense of togetherness


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Nothing on any of our pages should be interpreted as professional or medical advice.

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