Wednesday Question Bonanza
PhD Balance's Wednesday Questions Bonanza is a regular series run by PhD Balance.
Each month there is a set topic relating to life in grad school and academia.
All questions are submitted by current grad students and asked anonymously over the Wednesdays of each month!
The questions along with the most popular and helpful answers are collated and listed below by topic.
**The Answers contained in these documents are crowd-sourced from graduate students and academics and do not reflect peer-reviewed literature, or the views of PhD Balance.
Have a topic you'd like us to cover for Wednesday Questions Bonanza?
Let us know by email - or by using our contact form
February 2021 -
Literature Reviews
Literature Reviews - We all have to do them but there are so many different types and they can be tedious!
Check out this month's questions and answers!
Literature Review Answers
(To be uploaded soon)

January 2021 -
Grad School Interviews
Grad School Interviews can seem so daunting.
How do they work?
What do the interviewers expect and how many of them will there be?
Grad School Interviews Answers (Click icon to download)
Also, check out our Grad Chat episode on Grad School Interviews

October 2020 -
Academic CVs
Academic CVs are so different from industry CVs and resumes but we are judges so harshly if we get them wrong. What can I even put on an academic CV?
Academic CVs Answers
(To be uploaded soon)

August 2020 -
Applying To Grad School
Applying to Grad School can be so daunting....
Apply To Grad School Answers
(Click icon to download)